July 3, 2012 Full Moon in Capricorn Ritual

Sun in Cancer ~ Full Moon in Capricorn

The July full moon is known as Thunder Moon, Shallow Moon or Hay Moon. Flowers are honeysuckle and jasmine; stones are ruby and moonstone. As the July 3 full moon is in Sun sign Cancer, (June 22 – July 23), the full moon is in the opposite sign Capricorn.

A full moon in earth-sign Capricorn is ideal for spells related to career advancement, improving social status and planning for the future. It’s also an appropriate time to get rid of the deadwood, the old and extraneous in order to reap the positive rewards of your labours.

Set your altar as usual and use lavender oil and incense to channel the energy of this success-oriented full moon. Remember to give thanks for blessings received from your last ritual.  Gratitude and appreciation always generates more reasons for feeling thankful.

For more information about the Capricorn and other full moons, please sample my newly published ebook for Kindle Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon Spells & Rituals, also available for Apple iPad, Kobo and Sony eReader and as a PDF download.

Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals

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