Harvest Full Moon Spells & Rituals Sept. 18-19 2013

September’s full moon is known as Harvest Moon, Wine Moon or Singing Moon. As it appears in the sun sign of Virgo, (August 24 – September 23), we will have a full moon in Pisces.  The moon will reach it’s peak in the early hours of September 19, so you may want to perform any full moon spells or rituals on the evening of the 18th. It’s a good time to cleanse and charge your tools, herbes and amulets.

The Harvest full moon is the one that’s closest to the Autumn Equinox, which is on September 22.  The special mystique of this full moon is grounded in scientific fact.  At this time of year, due to it’s changing orbit, it takes the moon less time than normal to rise into the sky. This shortens the period of darkness between sunset and moonrise. In olden days, this additional light enabled farmers to harvest their crops into the night. It also gives the appearance that the moon is full for several days in a row.


September Flowers: Aster and Morning Glory

September Stones: Blue Sapphire and Citrine

Harvest Full Moon Recipe Suggestions:

Mussels in Green Garden Herbs ~  Oven-baked French Fries ~ Lemon Wafers

Harvest Moon Spells & Rituals

A full moon in Pisces is the perfect time to tap into your clairvoyant powers, tell
fortunes and interpret dreams.  Psychic powers are heightened now, as is your ability to communicate with the spirit world.  If you need more information about Harvest Moon spells, rituals or recipes, you can download my Full Moon Spells and Rituals book as an eBook or PDF document.

You can look for the Harvest Moon just after sunset on September 18, where it’s close proximity to the earth’s atmosphere will give it a bright orange colour.

Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals

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