Wiccan Spells for Full Snow Moon February 14, 2014

Full Snow Moon Feb 2014The full moon on February 14 is known as Snow Moon, Ice Moon or Wild Moon. As the sun is in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, this full moon is in the opposite sign of Leo.

Wiccan tradition says a full moon in Leo is the ideal time for spell work that enables you to shoot for the stars and boost your good fortune. So many times we deny what we really want, simple because we cannot imagine it happening. Nothing happens without believing it will, so focus your intent with a simple Spell for Bigger Dreams from my Full Moon Spells & Rituals ebook.

February Flowers:  violets and primroses

February Stones: amethyst and rock crystal.

February Full Moon Menu

 Arugula salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette

Farfalle Pasta & Hot Sausage

Pears in Red Wine

For twenty seasonally-inspired menus with 56 delicious recipes for celebrating the 12 Full Moons and 8 Sabbats on the Wheel of the Year, download my ebook Simple Wiccan Magick Witches’ Cook Book.

Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals

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