Monthly Archives: July 2014

Spells & Rituals for August 10, 2014 Super Full Moon

On August 10, 2014, the second of three consecutive super full moons will appear. This full air moon is in Aquarius, the opposite of the sun sign Leo. It’s known as Corn Moon, Barley Moon or Sturgeon Moon. Wiccans use this … Continue reading

Moon Spells & Rituals

Hechizos y Rituales Luna Llena de Agosto 10, 2014 en Acuario

En 2014, la luna llena de Agosto es el día 10. La luna llena de Agosto se llama Luna de Maíz, Luna de cebada o Luna del Esturión. Las flores correspondientes son gladiolos, amapolas y giras oles: las piedras son … Continue reading

Hechizos de Luna Llena ,

Wicca Spells & Rituals for Lammas August 1, 2014

Lammas is the Wiccan festival of appreciation for prosperity and also a time for spells and rituals to generate more good fortune in our lives. To me, this is one of the less well-known festivals on the Wheel of the … Continue reading

Wheel of the Year, Wiccan Traditions ,

July 12, 2014 Full Supermoon Wiccan Spells & Rituals

On July 12, 2014, a full moon known as Thunder Moon, Hay Moon or Shallow Moon, will appear. It will be the first of three “supermoons” this year, which means that the moon is closer to the earth, giving your … Continue reading

Moon Spells & Rituals

Luna Llena de Julio 12 en Capricornio

En 2014, la luna llena de Julio es el día 12. La luna llena de Julio es llamada Luna del Trueno, Luna Superficial o Luna del Heno. Las flores correspondientes son madreselva y jazmín: las piedras son rubí y piedra … Continue reading

Hechizos de Luna Llena ,