Wiccan Love Spell for Valentine’s Day February 14

heartcandle1.jpgAlthough Wiccans do not officially celebrate Valentine’s Day, there’s no reason why you can’t perform a simple love spell on February 14th to take advantage of all the good vibrations in the air.

Wiccan Spell to Attract a New Love

For many people, even the thought of looking for a new partner can be daunting. But you’ve probably heard of people who found not one, but several admirers once they started dating again. Why is this so? The Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like,” so when you are happy, joyful and loving, you naturally attract people and situations that mirror your feelings.

This spell may help to place you in a positive, loving state of mind to draw a new love, (or maybe more than one!), into your life.

It requires a few simple items: a pink candle, vervain oil, lavender incense, pink paper, one pen with pen with blue ink and one with red ink.

If you need it, my Simple Wiccan Magick Love Spells eBook contains both a quick spell and the full ritual ceremony to help you find a new love, as well as eight more important love spells and a list of special Wiccan herbes for love magick.

The guided mediations will help focus your intent while the daily affirmations will reinforce your belief.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells™


Wicca Love Spells

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