Write Your Samhain Wiccan Magick Spell

How would you like to write your own Wiccan magick spell? October 31st is the Witches’ New Year, so it’s an ideal opportunity to make resolutions and start new habits.

It’s easy to create your own ritual and I’ll show you how over the next few weeks. You will then have a personalized spell ready for the next festival on the Wheel of the Year.

How to Write Your Spell

First, you must start with a desire.  What do you really want? You must dig deep into your unconscious to find the truth of this question. For example, you might think you want to find a new job, but in reality, you’re happy in your work; you’d really like a promotion or more responsibility. Or the position is fine, but some of your colleagues are annoying. Maybe you’d prefer to work with different people. Maybe you just want to make more money.

Over the next few days, spend some time thinking about it. Notice any images or visualizations that pop into your head. Get a pen and paper, (do not use your computer), or use your Book of Shadows and write it all out. Be as specific as you can.

In my next post, I’ll show you how to write an memorable affirmation that best expresses your desires.

Blessed be!

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