Taurus Full Moon Rituals October 29, 2012

The October full moon is known as Hunter’s Moon. It is also called Falling Leaf Moon and Blood Moon. As the 2012 October full moon falls on the 29th, it is in the sun sign Taurus. A full moon in Taurus is an ideal time to cast spells promoting creativity, prosperity, better family relationships and practical planning.

In my eBook Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon Spells & Rituals, I show you how to create an Abundance Amulet, a round disk full of prosperity-drawing herbes. The ritual focuses on family happiness and a life of abundance.

October Correspondences for Spells

Stones associated with October are morganite, pink emerald, opals and tourmaline. Decorate your altar with calendula and marigold flowers and use lavender oil and incense.

As the Wiccan festival of Samhain, the Witches’ New Year falls two days after the full moon, you may wish to reuse your altar flowers.

Hunter Moon Menu Suggestions

After your spellwork, feast on a vegetarian three-bean chilli, made with the usual spices but with kidney beans, chick peas and black beans – an ironic twist for the Hunter Moon! Add a mixed green salad with earthy balsamic vinaigrette and a fresh fig claufouti for dessert. Recipes are included in my full moon eBook.

Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals

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