Full Wolf Moon in Leo Spells January 27, 2013

The full moon in Leo on January 27, 2013 is known as Wolf Moon, Quiet Moon or Chaste Moon. Correspondences for January are carnation and snowdrop flowers; stones are garnet and jet. Use lavender oil and incense during ritual.

A full moon in Leo is an ideal time for spells and rituals to boost your good fortune and shoot for the stars. Nothing happens without believing it will, so stroke your ego and think about what makes you special. Put yourself in the centre of the action and watch as the world revolves around you.

If you need more inspiration, my book Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon Spells & Rituals has a spell for building bigger dreams. So many times we deny what we really want, simply because we cannot imagine it happening, so this spell helps you to dream big.

Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals

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