Super Blood Moon Eclipse Magick Spells & Rituals September 27, 2015

Harvest Moon 2015 Wiccan SpellsThe biggest full moon of 2015 is on September 27 and is known as Harvest Moon, (because it’s the closest full moon to the Autumn Equinox on September 23), and also Wine Moon or Singing Moon. In the southern hemisphere, it’s the first full moon of spring.

As it occurs on September 27 (or early in the morning of the 28th in some locations), in the sun sign Libra, the full moon is in the opposite sign of Aries. This fire moon is an ideal time for magick spells and rituals that promote boldness, daring deeds and confidence.

Super Moon Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon

This full moon on September 27 is also being called a Blood Moon because it’s the fourth and final eclipse of a lunar tetrad, which means four straight total eclipses of the moon, spaced at six lunar months (full moons) apart.

Although there is no scientific basis for the term Blood Moon in this instance, (and Blood Moon is also one of the names for the October full moon), it’s become a popular way to define this unusual phenomena.

The combination of supermoon and lunar eclipse will create very potent vibrations and a unique opportunity for you to channel your magickal energy in a powerful way. You may even want to perform a small ritual every day from the Autumn Equinox of September 23 to the night of the full moon, in order to take advantage of this unparalleled manifestation.

September Harvest Moon Correspondences

Flowers: aster and morning glory

Stones: blue sapphire and citrine.

Harvest Moon Menu

Sliced cucumber salad with rice vinegar dressing and toasted sesame seeds.

Ginger Chicken Stew

Carrot Cake with Chocolate Glaze

If you need a simple magick spell for enthusiasm or recipes for this Harvest Moon, you will find them in my interactive eBook Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon Spells & Rituals.

Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals ,

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