Hechizos y Rituales de Luna Llena de Enero 17 2022 en Cancer

En 2022, la luna llena de enero es el día 17. La Luna llena de enero se conoce como la Luna del Lobo, Luna Tranquila o Luna Casta. Las flores asociadas con este mes son los claveles y las campanillas; las piedras son granate y azabache. Porque el signo solar es Capricornio (22 de diciembre – 20 de enero), la luna llena es en Cáncer.

La luna llena en Cáncer aprovecha los temas que rodean la familia y el hogar. Podrías haber sido encargado de recoger los pensamientos negativos de los demás, por lo que es hora de realizar rituales de limpieza. Los hechizos de amor se realizan generalmente con la luna llena de Cáncer, pero debes decidir dónde manifestar los sentimientos de amor antes que empieces este hechizo.

Si deseas un hechizo de amor de luna llena o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de enero, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!


Hechizos de Luna Llena ,

Super New Moon Dark Moon January 2, 2022 Wiccan Spells Rituals

Dark Moon SpellsMoon worship has been around since the earliest days and Wiccans today use the correspondences of the Moon to fulfill our dreams and align ourselves with the universe.  Dark moon energy is like all vibration – it causes an effect even though you can’t see it. This month’s Dark Moon occurs January 2, Sunday at 01:35 p.m. ET which is 06:35 p.m. Universal Time. It is also a super new moon and the extra energy is the perfect time to heal, renew and rebuild.

There is some ambiguity around the terms dark moon and new moon. For our purposes, we will follow the astrological version, which means the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon.

January Dark Moon Ritual to Overcome Bad Habits 

Everyone has at least one bad habit they’d like to conquer and now is the ideal time to start a new routine. Whether it’s smoking, eating the wrong foods, or not exercising enough, they’re called “habits” for a reason and they’re usually difficult to change. This January dark moon offers an excellent opportunity to rev up your motivation.

This spell uses the following correspondences: Sage for strength, Lavender for stability and Rosemary for remembrance in any form you choose, e.g. Lavender incense, Sage and Rosemary oil. Your touch stones, which you will use during the spell and as a reminder afterwards, are Lepidolite to combat addictions and Calcite to counteract laziness.

My eBook Dark Moon Spells & Rituals contains 15 simple spells, including the one above, that take advantage of the special energy of the Dark Moon. All the spells follow traditional Wiccan correspondences using candles, crystals and herbes that are easy to find. They help to maximize the energy of these dark moon spells.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Moon Spells & Rituals ,

Winter Solstice Wiccan Yule Rituals & Spells December 21, 2021

In 2021, Yule or the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, occurs on December 21, at 10:59 am EST.  It’s officially the first day of winter and at this time, the hours of daylight and darkness are equal. At this important festival on the Wheel of the Year, Wiccans celebrate the eventual return of more daylight. Traditional ritual themes include the Oak King, symbolic of daylight hours, vanquishing the Holly King, symbolic of hours of darkness. Ceremonies and spells promoting personal alchemy are also traditional.

Yule ~ Winter Solstice Correspondences

Candles & Colours: red, green, gold and black

Incense & Oil: frankincense, cloves & orange

Stones: Turquoise, Jet

Yule ~ Winter Solstice Menu

Red Wine Punch

Cornish Hens with Port Sauce

Gingerbread Moon Cookies

Yule Mystery Meditation Ceremony December 21, 2021

My Wheel of the Year guide contains a Mystery Meditation which will give you insight into the year ahead. During this ritual, you will use the four elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air for a hint of what your future holds.  You could also choose a spell for personal alchemy, such as one to turn a piece of jewellery into a personal power talisman. If you already have your own spell, you can find easy, delicious recipes for Yule and all other Wiccan festivals and Full Moons in my Witches’ Cook Book.

If you are in the southern hemisphere, you should read the entry for Midsummer or Summer Solstice spells and rituals.

Blessed be and Happy Yule!


Wheel of the Year , ,

Full Cold Moon December 18, 2021 Wiccan Spells & Rituals

The full moon on December 18, 2021 is known as Cold Moon, Open Moon or Big Winter Moon. It falls in the opposite sun sign of Gemini, so in Wiccan traditions, it’s the perfect time for spells and rituals to enhance your communications skills. It’s also ideal for renewing contacts, travel and face-to-face meetings. This Full Moon occurs on December 18 at 11:37 PM EDT or December 19 at 04:37 AM UTC.

It is the last full moon before the Winter Solstice or Yule on December 21st, so be sure to cleanse and charge your tools and talismans at this time.

Wiccan December Correspondences:

Flowers: Narcissus, poinsettia and holly

December Stones: Blue Zircon and Turquoise

December Cold Moon Full Moon Menu

Bacon & Leek Frittata

Chocolate & Coffee Truffles

December 2021 Full Air Moon (Gemini) Ceremony for Better Communications

My Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon Spells & Rituals eBook contains a spell for better communication. You can perform either a quick spell or full ritual ceremony; both are available in the book. During the spell, you will cleanse and charge a special pen, which you will use in your Book of Shadows and for writing letters.

Full Moon recipes are found in my Full Moon guide and also in my Witches’ Cook Book.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells™

Moon Spells & Rituals

Hechizos y Rituales de Luna Llena diciembre 18, 2017 en Géminis

En 2021, la luna llena de diciembre es el día 18. La luna llena de diciembre se llama Luna Fría, Luna Abierta o Luna del Gran Invierno. Las flores correspondientes son narciso, flor de pascua y acebo; las piedras son el zirconio azul y la turquesa. Porque el signo solar es Sagitario, (23 de noviembre – 21 de diciembre), la luna llena es en Géminis.

La luna llena en Géminis es un momento ideal para renovar contactos y comunicarse con otras personas escribiendo cartas, llamando por teléfono o juntándose con otras personas. Limpiarás y cargarás un lapicero nuevo para usar en tu Libro de las Sombras y en todas las comunicaciones escritas con otras personas.

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena para mejorar la comunicación o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de diciembre, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!


Hechizos de Luna Llena

Dark Moon New Super Moon Dec. 4, 2021 Wiccan Spells & Ritual Ceremony

Moon worship has been around since the earliest days and Wiccans today use the correspondences of the Moon to fulfill our dreams and align ourselves with the universe.  Dark moon energy is like all vibration – it causes an effect even though you can’t see it. This month’s Dark Moon is a Super Moon, meaning the moon is closer than usual to the earth. This generates extra energy for your spells and rituals. It occurs on December 4, (Sat) at 02:44 AM ET/December 4, (Sat) at 07:44 AM UTC and is the perfect time to heal, renew and rebuild.

There is some ambiguity around the terms dark moon and new moon. For our purposes, we will follow the astrological version, which means the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon.

December Dark Moon Ritual to Discharge Negative Energy

Energy is all around us. The Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like,” so wouldn’t you want to attract only the highest and the best? The ability to do that starts with awareness of your feelings. This ritual can help clear the path for you to manifest more positive emotions and bring more good vibrations into your life.

This spell uses the following correspondences: Sage to remove negative energy and Basil for courage. Your touch stone, which you will use during the spell and as a reminder afterwards, is Hematite.

My eBook Dark Moon Spells & Rituals contains 15 simple spells, including the one above, that take advantage of the special energy of the Dark Moon. All the spells follow traditional Wiccan correspondences using candles, crystals and herbes that are easy to find. They help to maximize the energy of these dark moon spells.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Moon Spells & Rituals

Full Beaver Moon November 19, 2021 Wiccan Spells & Rituals

The full moon on November 19, 2021 is known as Beaver Moon, Dark Moon or Fog Moon. As full moons are always opposite the sun sign, this will be a full earth moon in Taurus. This full moon occurs on Friday November 19, at 03:59 AM EDT or November 19, at 08:59 AM UTC so you may want to perform your spells and rituals on the evening of November 18.

November 2021 Full Earth Moon (Taurus) Ceremony for Family Abundance

Wiccans use this time for magick ceremonies that promotes family happiness and abundance. In my Full Moon Spells and Rituals eBook, I show how you can create an amulet to help attract joy and prosperity all year long.

Wiccan November Correspondences

Flowers: Chrysanthemums and flowers with fall colours

Stones: Yellow Topaz and Citrine.

November Full Moon Menu

Tomato & Cucumber salad with yogurt dressing ~Three-Bean Chili ~ Fig Clafouti

My Witches’ Cook Book also has recipes for every full moon, plus the 8 Wiccan Festivals or Sabbats on the Wheel of the year, for a total of 56 recipes.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells™

Moon Spells & Rituals

Hechizos y Rituales de Luna Llena de Noviembre 19, 2021 en Tauro

En 2021, la luna llena de noviembre es el día 19. La luna llena de noviembre es conocida como la Luna del Castor, Luna Oscura o Luna de la Niebla. Las flores asociadas a este mes son los crisantemos; las piedras son topacio amarillo y citrino. Porque el signo solar es Escorpio, (24 de octubre – 22 de noviembre), la luna llena es en Tauro.

Esta luna llena ocurre el viernes 19 de noviembre a las 03:59 a.m. EDT o el 19 de noviembre a las 08:59 a.m. UTC, por lo que es posible que desee realizar sus hechizos y rituales en la noche del 18 de noviembre.

La luna llena en Tauro es un momento ideal para hechizos que promuevan la creatividad, prosperidad, mejores relaciones familiares y planificación práctica. En este ritual, crearás y usaras un Amuleto de la Abundancia para centrarte en la felicidad de la familia y en una vida de abundancia.

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena para la abundancia en la familia o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de noviembre, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos y Rituales de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!


Hechizos de Luna Llena

Dark Moon New Super Moon Nov. 4, 2021 Wiccan Spells & Ritual Ceremony

Moon worship has been around since the earliest days and Wiccans today use the correspondences of the Moon to fulfill our dreams and align ourselves with the universe.  Dark moon energy is like all vibration – it causes an effect even though you can’t see it. This month’s Dark Moon is a Super Moon, meaning the moon is closer than usual to the earth. This generates extra energy for your spells and rituals. It occurs on November 4, (Thu) at 05:15 PM ET/November 4, (Thu) at 09:15 PM UTC and is the perfect time to heal, renew and rebuild.

There is some ambiguity around the terms dark moon and new moon. For our purposes, we will follow the astrological version, which means the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon.

November Dark Moon Ritual to Handle Financial Loss

Have you made a poor financial decision or investment, lost your job or have a huge expense you must suddenly pay for? Regardless of the cause, your main problem is feeling poor and worried about money. This ritual will help dispel the negative aura surrounding a real or perceived lack of financial resources.

This spell uses the following correspondences: Cedar and Acorns to draw money, Frankincense and Marigold for cleansing. Your touch stones, which you will use during the spell and as a reminder afterwards, can be Yellow Sapphire and Sardonyx or Jet.

My eBook Dark Moon Spells & Rituals contains 15 simple spells, including the one above, that take advantage of the special energy of the Dark Moon. All the spells follow traditional Wiccan correspondences using candles, crystals and herbes that are easy to find. They help to maximize the energy of these dark moon spells.

Blessed be!


Moon Spells & Rituals

Wiccan Ritual Samhain Witches New Year Eve Oct 31, 2021   

The Wiccan feast of Samhain, also known as the Witches’ New Year’s Eve, takes place on October 31st is. Lord Samhain, the Celtic prince of darkness, ushers in the start of the new year. Samhain (pronounced sow-in) means “end of summer” in Gaelic. Wiccans believe that, on this day, the boundaries between the spirit world and the physical world are at their thinnest, which allows contact with the departed. Many cultures celebrate this day as Halloween. Samhain is a traditional time for remembrance and release. We also plan for a more prosperous future by releasing any negative energy that prevents us from finding happiness and prosperity.

Samhain Correspondences

Colours & Candles: black, orange, copper

Flowers: mums, calendula, cosmos, sage, mugwort

Incense: Cedar

Stones: Smoky quartz, opal, black obsidian


Samhain Menu

Apple & Pecan Salad

Beef & Beer Stew

Pumpkin Spice Muffins

If you already have your own spell, you can find easy, delicious recipes for Samhain and all other Wiccan festivals and Full Moons in my Witches’ Cook Book.

Samhain Ceremony for Remembrance and Release October 31st 2021

If you need a spell or ritual to celebrate this important date on the Wheel of the Year, my eBook Simple Wiccan Magick Spells & Ritual Ceremony has one that will help set you on the path to a wonderful new year. During this ceremony, you will recall memories of your past. You will summon long-gone friends and ancestors and ask them what wisdom or advice they can offer for your future. You will remember the highs and lows of the past year, compliment yourself on your successes and forgive your failures.

Then, you will envision the new year of your dreams, filled with love, prosperity and good health. Finally, you will create a personal talisman to help remind you of your plans for the future.

You will need: one orange candle, one black candle, lavender oil, cedar incense, one small, flat stone, a black-ink pen and your Book of Shadows, and a quiet, comfortable place where you will not be disturbed. If the weather permits, you can even sit outside.

Blessed be and Happy Samhain!


Simple Wiccan Magick™

Wheel of the Year, Wiccan Traditions ,

Full Hunter Moon October 20, 2021 Wiccan Rituals & Spells

Hunter’s Moon, Falling Leaf Moon or Blood Moon are other names for the full moon that takes place on October 20, 2021. This Full Moon happens on Wednesday October 20, at 10:57 AM EDT or October 20, at 02:57 PM UTC. As it occurs in the sun sign Libra, the full moon is in the opposite sign of Aries. In Wiccan traditions, this fire moon is an ideal time for magick spells and rituals that promote boldness, daring deeds and confidence.

Wiccan October Correspondences

Flowers: Calendula and Marigold

Stones:  Morganite or pink Emerald, Opals and Tourmaline.

October Hunter Full Moon Menu

Start with a sliced cucumber salad with rice vinegar dressing and toasted sesame seeds.

Ginger –Chicken Stew

Carrot Cake

My Witches’ Cook Book also has recipes for every full moon, plus the 8 Wiccan Festivals or Sabbats on the Wheel of the year, for a total of 56 recipes.

October 2021 Full Fire Moon (Aires) Ceremony for Enthusiasm & Confidence

A full fire moon in Aires is an ideal time for spells promoting boldness and self-assurance. If you need one, my book Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon Spells & Rituals has a spell for promoting enthusiasm, which may give you the confidence to try new things and take advantage of interesting opportunities. It also contains rituals and recipes for every full moon.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells™

Moon Spells & Rituals, Wiccan Traditions

Hechizos y Rituales de Luna Llena Luna de Octubre 20, 2021 

En 2021, la luna llena de octubre es el día 20.  La luna llena de octubre se llama Luna del Cazador, Luna de las Hojas que Caen o Luna de Sangre. Las flores asociadas a octubre son caléndula y maravilla; las piedras son morganita o esmeralda rosada, ópalos y turmalina. Porque el signo solar es Libra, (24 de septiembre – 23 de octubre), la luna llena es en Aries.

La luna llena en Aries destila energía positiva e intensifica tu entusiasmo. Las oportunidades están listas para el atrevimiento, para las hazañas y para la audacia. ¿No sería maravilloso poder anclar esta energía para utilizarla en cualquier momento? Este hechizo te ayudará a conseguirlo.

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena para el entusiasmo o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de octubre, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!


Hechizos de Luna Llena

Dark Moon New Moon October 6, 2021 Wiccan Spells & Ritual Ceremony

Moon worship has been around since the earliest days and Wiccans today use the correspondences of the Moon to fulfil our dreams and align ourselves with the universe.  Dark moon energy is like all vibration – it causes an effect even though you can’t see it. This month’s Dark Moon occurs Wednesday October 6, at 7:05 AM ET/October 6, (Wed) at 11:05 AM UTC and is the perfect time to heal, renew and rebuild.

There is some ambiguity around the terms dark moon and new moon. For our purposes, we will follow the astrological version, which means the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon.

October Dark Moon Ritual to Release Sorrow

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by sorrow. The longer we carry sad memories, the more they become a habitual way of thinking. After a while, it can be difficult to find any happiness our lives. Intense sadness can also lead to depression and isolation. But joy is our birthright, so be confident that if you ask for it, you will receive it. This spell uses the following correspondences: Borage for happiness, Coriander and Myrrh. Your touch stone is Lavender Jade, which cleanses emotional pain and brings peace.

My eBook Dark Moon Spells & Rituals contains 15 simple spells, including the one above, that take advantage of the special energy the Dark Moon offers. All of the spells follow traditional correspondences using candles, crystals and herbes that are found easily and inexpensively through local or online retailers. They help to maximize the energy of these dark moon spells.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Moon Spells & Rituals

Hechizos et Rituales de Luna Llena de 20 Septiembre 2021 en Piscis

En 2021, la luna llena de septiembre es el día 20. La luna llena de septiembre también se le conoce como Luna de la Cosecha, Luna del Vino o Luna Cantante. Las flores correspondientes son áster y flores de don diego: las piedras son zafiro azul y citrina.

Porque el signo solar es Virgo, (24 de agosto al 23 de septiembre), la luna llena es en Piscis. También habrá un eclipse lunar durante esta luna llena.

La luna llena en Piscis es el momento perfecto para aprovechar tus poderes de clarividencia, adivinar el futuro e interpretar sueños. Los poderes psíquicos están ahora elevados, así como tu habilidad para comunicar con el mundo espiritual. Durante el ritual, utilizarás las Runas para ayudar a desarrollar tu interior.

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena para incrementar tus poderes o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de septiembre, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!


Hechizos de Luna Llena

Wiccan Spells & Rituals for Autumn Fall Equinox Sept. 22, 2021

The Autumn Equinox, or first day of fall, occurs on September 22, 2021 at 3:21 pm EDT.  On the Wiccan Wheel of the Year the Autumn Equinox is a traditional time for spells and rituals relating to organization and finding balance and rest after labour. Now, the hours of light and darkness are equal, just as they are at the Spring Equinox.

For many of our pagan ancestors, autumn was a time of hard work when fields were harvested, and preparations were made for the long, cold winter ahead. Today, Wiccans use this festival to examine our personal progress to date and adjust our future plans. This is also an opportunity for rest and reflection as we head towards Samhain and complete the Wheel of the Year.

Wiccan Autumn Equinox Correspondences

Colours: Orange, Brown, Yellow, Gold

Oil: Bergamot, Storax, Rosemary

Candles: Yellow, Orange, Brown

Flowers: Hollyhock, Aster, Milkweed, Marigold, Bittersweet

Incense: Sage

Stones: Peridot, Citrine, Beryl, Chrysolite

Autumn Equinox Menu


Herbed Chicken & Rice

Orange Walnut/Pecan Cookies

Autumn Equinox Ceremony for Future Insight

If you need a ritual for the Autumn Equinox, My Wheel of the Year guide has one that offers insight into your future, using a harvest mediation and a mysterious jewelled cob of corn. If you live in the southern hemisphere, you will want to read about the Spring Equinox or Ostara and the Balancing Eggs ritual.

If you already have your own spell, you can find easy, delicious recipes for the Fall Equinox and all other Wiccan festivals and Full Moons in my Witches’ Cook Book.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick™

Wheel of the Year, Wiccan Traditions ,

Full Harvest Moon Sept. 20, 2021 Wicca Spells & Rituals

On September 20, 2021, a full water moon appears in the sign of Pisces, opposite to the sun sign Virgo. It is known as Harvest Moon, Wine Moon or Singing Moon. This Full Moon occurs on Monday September 20, at 07:54 PM EDT or September 20 at 11:54 PM UTC.

Wiccan rituals use this Piscean full moon to tap into clairvoyant powers, tell fortunes and interpret dreams.  Psychic powers are heightened now, as is the ability to communicate with the spirit world.

September Wiccan Correspondences

Flowers: Aster and morning glory

Stones: Blue sapphire and citrine

Harvest Full Moon Menu

Mussels with Green Herbs

Oven-baked French Fries

Lemon Wafers

My Witches’ Cook Book also has recipes for every full moon, plus the 8 Wiccan Festivals or Sabbats on the Wheel of the year, for a total of 56 recipes.

This full moon is also an ideal time to cleanse and charge your Witches’ tools in preparation for the Fall Equinox on September 22, 2017.

September 2021 Full Water Moon (Pisces) Ceremony to Increase Psychic Powers

A full moon in Pisces is the perfect time to tap into your clairvoyant powers, tell fortunes and interpret dreams.  Psychic powers are heightened now, as is your ability to communicate with the spirit world.  My book Simple Wiccan Magick Spells and Ritual Ceremony has a Samhain ritual for communing with those who have passed to the other side, so my Full Moon Spells & Rituals guide has a spell which uses Runes to help develop your inner sight.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells™

Moon Spells & Rituals, Wiccan Traditions

Dark Moon New Moon Sept. 6, 2021 Wiccan Spells & Ritual Ceremony

Moon worship has been around since the earliest days and Wiccans today use the correspondences of the Moon to fulfil our dreams and align ourselves with the universe.  Dark moon energy is like all vibration – it causes an effect even though you can’t see it. This month’s Dark Moon occurs on Sept 6, (Mon) at 08:52 PM ET/September 7, (Tue) 12:52 AM UTC and is the perfect time to heal, renew and rebuild.

There is some ambiguity around the terms dark moon and new moon. For our purposes, we will follow the astrological version, which means the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon.

September Dark Moon Spell to Master Stress

This month, we will focus on a dark moon spell to master stress. Some people accept stress as a by-product of modern times, but it can lead to mental and physical breakdown. This ritual will help you to focus on the good things in your life that can be difficult to appreciate when stress clouds your vision. You will use Borage to fortify your inner self and Celery Seed to improve your concentration. Your touch stones, which you will use during the spell and as a reminder afterwards, are Smoky Quartz and Moonstone. You will also learn a simple affirmation to help keep you focused.

My eBook Dark Moon Spells & Rituals contains 15 simple spells, including the one above, that take advantage of the special energy of the Dark Moon. All the spells follow traditional Wiccan correspondences using candles, crystals and herbes that are easy to find. They help to maximize the energy of these dark moon spells.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Moon Spells & Rituals

Full Corn Moon August 22, 2021 Wicca Rituals & Spells

On August 22, 2021, a full air moon will appear in Aquarius, the opposite of the sun sign Leo. This full moon will occur on Sunday August 22 at 08:02 AM EDT or August 22, at 12:02 PM UTC.

It is known as Corn Moon, Barley Moon or Sturgeon Moon. In Wiccan traditions, this full moon is an ideal time for rituals and spells to promote networking, resolve disputes and use your personal power for the greater good.

As this full moon occurs in the western hemisphere early in the morning you can perform your rituals and leave your tools and talismans to charge on the night of August 21 if you prefer.

August Wiccan Correspondences

Flowers: gladiolas, poppies and sunflowers

Stones:  sardonyx, peridot and cat’s eye

August Full Corn Moon Menu

Chilled Cucumber & Tomato Soup

Basil, Spinach & Pepper Pita Pizzas

Peach Clafouti

My Witches’ Cook Book also has recipes for every full moon, plus the 8 Wiccan Festivals or Sabbats on the Wheel of the year, for a total of 56 recipes.

August 2021 Full Air Moon (Aquarius) Ceremony to Share the Wealth

Everyone has a special talent they can use to assist others who are less fortunate. Even if you’re unable to donate money, you can volunteer your time or offer to teach skills to others. My book Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon Spells and Rituals has a spell that will help identify your special cause and how to share your good fortune with others.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells™

Moon Spells & Rituals, Wiccan Traditions

Hechizos y Rituales Luna Llena de Agosto 22, 2021 en Acuario

En 2021, la luna llena de agosto es el día 22. La luna llena de agosto se llama Luna de Maíz, Luna de cebada o Luna del Esturión. Las flores correspondientes son gladiolos, amapolas y giras oles: las piedras son ónice, peridoto y ojo de gato. Porque el signo solar es Leo (24 de Julio – 23 de agosto), la luna llena es en Acuario.

La luna llena en Acuario es el tiempo ideal para la creación de redes, resolver disputas y utilizar el poder personal para el bien mayor. Todos tienen un talento especial que pueden utilizar para ayudar a los que son menos afortunados. Este hechizo identificará la razón especial de tu afinidad y cómo canalizar tus talentos en esa dirección.

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena para compartir la riqueza o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de agosto, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!


Hechizos de Luna Llena

Dark Moon July 9, 2021 Wicca Spells & Ritual Ceremony

Moon worship has been around since the earliest days and Wiccans today use the correspondences of the Moon to fulfill our dreams and align ourselves with the universe.  Dark moon energy is like all vibration – it causes an effect even though you can’t see it. This month’s Dark Moon occurs July 9, at 09:17 PM Eastern Time/July 10, Sat at 01:17 AM Universal Time and is the perfect time to heal, renew and rebuild.

There is some ambiguity around the terms dark moon and new moon. For our purposes, we will follow the astrological version, which means the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon.

January Dark Moon Ritual to Overcome Bad Habits  

Everyone has at least one bad habit they’d like to conquer and now is the ideal time to start a new routine. Whether it’s smoking, eating the wrong foods, or not exercising enough, they’re called “habits” for a reason and they’re usually difficult to change. This July dark moon offers an excellent opportunity to rev up your motivation.

This spell uses the following correspondences: Sage for strength, Lavender for stability and Rosemary for remembrance in any form you choose, e.g. Lavender incense, Sage and Rosemary oil. Your touch stones, which you will use during the spell and as a reminder afterwards, are Lepidolite to combat addictions and Calcite to counteract laziness.

My eBook Dark Moon Spells & Rituals contains 15 simple spells, including the one above, that take advantage of the special energy of the Dark Moon. All the spells follow traditional Wiccan correspondences using candles, crystals and herbes that are easy to find. They help to maximize the energy of these dark moon spells.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Moon Spells & Rituals

Dark Moon New Moon August 8, 2021 Wiccan Spells & Ritual Ceremony

Moon worship has been around since the earliest days and Wiccans today use the correspondences of the Moon to fulfill our dreams and align ourselves with the universe.  Dark moon energy is like all vibration – it causes an effect even though you can’t see it. This month’s Dark Moon occurs August 8, (Sun) at 09:50 AM ET/August 8, (Sun) at 01:50 PM UTC and is the perfect time to heal, renew and rebuild.

There is some ambiguity around the terms dark moon and new moon. For our purposes, we will follow the astrological version, which means the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon.

August Dark Moon Ritual to Get Over Envy or Jealousy

Though envy and jealousy are technically different emotions, they both make us feel inadequate. Envy is when we desire what another already has and jealousy is when you feel threatened of losing someone or something.

This spell uses Tarragon for calmness and Lavender for peace of mind. Your touch stones, which you will use during the spell and as a reminder afterwards, are Peridot and Melanite Garnet to dispel envy and jealousy.

My eBook Dark Moon Spells & Rituals contains 15 simple spells that take advantage of the special energy the Dark Moon offers. All of the spells follow traditional correspondences using candles, crystals and herbes that are found easily and inexpensively through local or online retailers. They help to maximize the energy of these dark moon spells.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Moon Spells & Rituals

Wiccan Spells & Rituals August 1st 2021 Lammas

On every August 1st, the festival of Lammas or Lughnasadh takes place. It is one of the festivals on the Wiccan Wheel of the Year. Traditionally, it is a time to show awareness and appreciation for our current good fortune and ask the goddess to create more of the same. It’s also an ideal opportunity to assess the progress of our dreams and goals and to take steps towards their completion.

If you took advantage of the full moon on July 23 to cleanse and charge your Witches’ tools and talismans, you will be assured of extra power and energy in your spellwork.

Wiccan Lammas or Lughnasadh Correspondences

Colours and Candles: gold, yellow

Flowers: gladiolus, nasturtium, sunflower

Stones: aventurine, topaz, amber, cat’s eye

Lammas Seasonal Menu

Light red wine or chianti


Nasturtium & greens salad

Zucchini walnut cake*


Lammas Spell for Prosperity and Appreciation August 1, 2021

If you need a Lammas spell, you’ll find the full ritual ceremony in my Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™ Wheel of the Year eBook, along with recipes* to celebrate this festival. If you already have your own spell, you can find easy, delicious recipes for Lammas and all other Wiccan festivals and Full Moons in my Witches’ Cook Book.

Blessed be and Happy Lammas!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Wheel of the Year, Wiccan Traditions ,

Full Thunder Moon July 23, 2021 Wicca Spells & Rituals

On July 23, 2021, a full moon known as Thunder Moon, Hay Moon or Shallow Moon, will appear. This full moon will occur on Friday July 23, at 10:37 PM or Saturday July 24, Sat 02:37 AM UTC.

This full earth moon is in the sign of Capricorn, which is opposite the sun sign Cancer.  In Wiccan traditions, spells and rituals for career advancement, improving social skills and planning for the future, are appropriate. You can also use this time to attract new and positive vibrations by first releasing any old or negative energy.

July Wiccan Thunder Moon Correspondences:

Flowers: Honeysuckle and Jasmine

Stones: Ruby and Moonstone.

 July Full Hay Moon Menu

Garden Vegetable Couscous

Watermelon Granita

My Witches’ Cook Book also has recipes for every full moon, plus the 8 Wiccan Festivals or Sabbats on the Wheel of the year, for a total of 56 recipes.

July 2021 Full Earth Moon (Capricorn) Ceremony for Career Confidence

Would you like to remove your doubts and fears so you can attract more success in your career? If you need such a spell or would like more information on this and other full moons, you can download my Full Moon Spells eBook.  Remember to cleanse and charge your tools in the light of this full moon to be ready for the Wiccan festival of Lammas on August 1st.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells™

Moon Spells & Rituals, Wiccan Traditions

Hechizos y Rituales de Luna Llena 23 Julio 2021 en Capricornio

En 2021, la luna llena de Julio es el día 23. La luna llena de Julio es llamada Luna del Trueno, Luna Superficial o Luna del Heno. Las flores correspondientes son madreselva y jazmín: las piedras son rubí y piedra de la luna. Porque el signo solar es Cáncer, (22 de junio – 23 de Julio), la luna llena es en Capricornio.

La luna llena en Capricornio es apropiada para hechizos de apoyo al avance de la carrera, mejorar el estatus social y planificar para el futuro. También es momento adecuado para eliminar las cosas inútiles, lo viejo y lo extraño para recoger la recompensa positiva de tus labores. Este hechizo sirve para eliminar tus dudas y tus miedos, de manera que puedas atraer más éxito.

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena para la confianza en el trabajo o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de Julio, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!


Hechizos de Luna Llena

Full Strawberry Moon June 24, 2021 Wicca Rituals & Spells

On June 24, 2021, a full moon known as Mead Moon, Strawberry Moon, Honey Moon or Rose Moon will appear. In Wiccan traditions, this is an ideal time for spells to bring about success in learning, education and long-term travel. Healing, forgiveness, independence and intuition are also highlighted. This Full Moon will occur on Thursday June 24, at 02:40 PM EDT or June 24, at 06:40 PM UTC.

This full earth moon is in the sign of Capricorn, which is opposite the sun sign Cancer.  Spells and rituals for career advancement, improving social skills and planning for the future, are appropriate. You can also use this time to attract new and positive vibrations by first releasing any old or negative energy.

Wiccan June Strawberry Moon Correspondences

Flowers: roses and lavender

Stones: agate and pearls

June Full Moon Menu:

Beer Can Chicken, Oven-baked sweet potato fries, Strawberry Cake

My Witches’ Cook Book also has recipes for every full moon, plus the 8 Wiccan Festivals or Sabbats on the Wheel of the year, for a total of 56 recipes.

June 2021 Full Earth Moon (Capricorn) Ceremony for Success

Would you like to remove your doubts and fears so you can attract more success in your career? This spell and more information on this and other full moons, can be found in my Full Moon Spells eBook.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells™

Moon Spells & Rituals, Wiccan Traditions