Hechizos y Rituales de Luna Llena 24 Junio 2021 en Capricornio

En 2021, la luna llena de junio es el día 24.  A la luna llena de junio se le llama también Luna de Aguamiel, Luna de Fresa, Luna de Miel o Luna de la Rosa. Las flores asociadas a junio son rosas y lavanda; las piedras son ágata y perlas. Porque el signo solar es Cáncer, (22 de junio – 23 de Julio), la luna llena es en Capricornio.

La luna llena en Capricornio es apropiada para hechizos de apoyo al avance de la carrera, mejorar el estatus social y planificar para el futuro. También es momento adecuado para eliminar las cosas inútiles, lo viejo y lo extraño para recoger la recompensa positiva de tus labores. Este hechizo sirve para eliminar tus dudas y tus miedos, de manera que puedas atraer más éxito.

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena para la confianza en el trabajo o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de junio, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!


Hechizos de Luna Llena

Dark Moon New Moon June 10, 2021 Wiccan Spells & Ritual Ceremony

Moon worship has been around since the earliest days and Wiccans today use the correspondences of the Moon to fulfill our dreams and align ourselves with the universe.  Dark moon energy is like all vibration – it causes an effect even though you can’t see it. This month’s Dark Moon occurs June 10, (Thu) at 06:54 AM ET/June 10, (Thu) at10:54 AM UTC and is the perfect time to heal, renew and rebuild.

There is some ambiguity around the terms dark moon and new moon. For our purposes, we will follow the astrological version, which means the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon.

June Dark Moon Ritual Spell for Emotional Loss or Family Death 

The death of a loved one can be a very traumatic experience. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding their passing, the ones left behind experience a wide range of emotions – anger, guilt, regret and grief to name a few. Healing from such an event takes time. The dark moon is a good time to ask for release from these painful feelings.

This spell uses Chervil, Dittany of Crete, Honeysuckle oil and Marjoram. Your touch stone, which you will use during the spell and as a reminder afterwards, is Kunsite, which heals and clears emotional fallout.

There is some ambiguity around the terms dark moon and new moon. For our purposes, we will follow the astrological version, which means the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon

My eBook Dark Moon Spells & Rituals contains 15 simple spells, including the one above, that take advantage of the special energy of the Dark Moon. All the spells follow traditional Wiccan correspondences using candles, crystals and herbes that are easy to find. They help to maximize the energy of these dark moon spells.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Moon Spells & Rituals

Midsummer Wiccan Spells & Rituals Summer Solstice June 20, 2021

Midsummer or the summer solstice marks the longest day of the year and is one of eight festivals on the Wiccan Wheel of the Year. In 2021, this first day of summer occurs on June 20, at 11:32 pm EDT. Though it seems that summer has just begun, daylight will now decrease as we begin our slow and steady descent toward the shorter days of winter.

Wiccan Midsummer /Summer Solstice Correspondences

Theme: strength, reward, confidence, decision making

Oil: lavender, vervain, elder

Candles: red, yellow, orange

Flowers: honeysuckle, lavender, roses, rue, vervain, any red, yellow & orange flowers

Incense: rosemary

Stones: agate, pearl, moonstone

Midsummer Menu

Herbed Tomato Soup

Pesto Rotini Pasta

Herb & Flower Shortbread

Serve with a fresh cucumber salad and glass of Riesling or elderflower wine.

You will find recipes for the menu above in my Wheel of the Year Guide. If you already have your own spell, you can find easy, delicious recipes for Midsummer and all other Wiccan festivals and Full Moons in my Witches’ Cook Book.

Midsummer Spell for Direction and Resolution June 20, 2021

Wiccan traditions deem that Midsummer is an ideal time for spells and rituals to find direction and the determination to settle unresolved problems. You may ask yourself, “What have I accomplished so far? What is still left to do before the end of the summer?”

You will need the following items: one gold candle, vervain oil and rosemary incense.

Now that half the year is over, it’s time to face any unsolved dilemmas. Ask the Goddess Diana to guide your meditation. No matter how insignificant a situation may seem, if it comes to mind now, a solution is worth pursuing! The simple spell in my Wheel of the Year ebook is ideal for a Midsummer ceremony.

Blessed be and Happy Midsummer!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Wheel of the Year, Wiccan Traditions , ,

Full Flower Moon May 26, 2021 Wiccan Rituals & Spells

The full moon on May 26, 2021 is known as Flower Moon or Merry Moon. This full moon occurs Wednesday May 26, at 07:14 AM EDT or May 26, Wed at 11:14 AM UTC. This full fire moon is in Sagittarius, opposite the sun sign Taurus.


Wiccan May Correspondences

Flowers: lily of the valley and foxglove

Stones: Emerald and amber.

May Full Flower Moon Menu

Simple Green Salad

Pasta with Clam Sauce

Lavender & Almond Butter Cookies

My Witches’ Cook Book also has recipes for every full moon, plus the 8 Wiccan Festivals or Sabbats on the Wheel of the year, for a total of 56 recipes.

May 2021 Full Fire Moon (Sagittarius) Ceremony for Success & Healing

In Wiccan traditions, this is an ideal time for spells to bring about success in learning, education and long-term travel. Healing, forgiveness, independence and intuition are also highlighted. My Full Moon Spells eBook has rituals for all of the above, plus recipes and spells suitable for every full moon.

This is the last full moon before the summer solstice on June 21st, so be sure to cleanse and charge your Witches’ tools in anticipation of Midsummer!

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells™

Moon Spells & Rituals, Wiccan Traditions

Hechizos y Rituales de Luna Llena 26 Mayo 2021 en Sagitario

En 2021, la luna llena de mayo es el día 26. La luna llena de mayo es conocida como la Luna de las Flores o Luna Feliz. Las flores correspondientes son lirio de los valles y dedaleras; las piedras son esmeralda y ámbar. Porque el signo solar es Géminis, (22 de mayo – 21 de junio), la luna llena es en Sagitario.

Una luna llena en Sagitario es el momento idóneo para realizar hechizos para comienzos exitosos en las áreas del aprendizaje y educación, así como para viajes largos. Predominan las actividades al aire libre, así como la intuición, independencia, curación y perdón. Este hechizo se centra en utilizar tu intuición para ayudar a crear un comienzo nuevo en cualquier proyecto.

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena del guerrero para el poder o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de mayo, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!


Hechizos de Luna Llena

Dark Moon New Moon May 11, 2021 Wiccan Spells & Ritual Ceremony

Moon worship has been around since the earliest days and Wiccans today use the correspondences of the Moon to fulfil our dreams and align ourselves with the universe.  Dark moon energy is like all vibration – it causes an effect even though you can’t see it. This month’s Dark Moon occurs on May 11, (Tue) at 03:01 PM ET/May 11, (Tue) at 07:01 PM UTC and is the perfect time to heal, renew and rebuild.

There is some ambiguity around the terms dark moon and new moon. For our purposes, we will follow the astrological version, which means the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon.

May Dark Moon Spell to Alleviate Loneliness

This month, I’ve chosen to focus on a Dark Moon Spell to Alleviate Loneliness.  Feelings of loneliness can be brought on by different circumstances and this past year or so has been challenging for everyone. Perhaps you’ve lost a loved one through death or the end of a relationship, or maybe you’ve moved to a new location and haven’t met new friends yet. Or you might feel insecure.

You will use Angelica, Juniper and Cucumber and the touch stone Snowflake Obsidian to place you in the right frame of mind. These items, along with a simple affirmation, will help you make you feel comfortable with your self, so you’ll be better able to attract and enjoy the company of others.

My eBook Dark Moon Spells and Rituals contains 15 simple Wiccan rituals to help you eliminate negative energy in your life. Unlike full moon spells, which are more powerful when done at certain times, these rituals can be performed according to your needs.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Moon Spells & Rituals

Wiccan Spells & Rituals for Beltane Festival May 1, 2021

On the Wiccan Wheel of the Year, May 1st is Beltane. In traditional Wicca practice, this is a time for spells and rituals that bring love and creativity into your life. The Goddess Flora and the Green Man are patrons of this day and Fairies abound in the woods! You can use the extra positive energy circulating on this day for either love spells or creativity rituals – it’s up to you.

For your Beltane celebration, set up your altar and perform your ritual on either April 30, or May 1st, whichever you prefer. Decorate your table with daisies, roses and lily of the valley. Use red and green candles for creativity rituals or red and pink for love spells.

May 1st 2021 Wiccan Beltane Correspondences

Colours: red, green, white

Oil: almond, sandalwood

Philtre: roses, heather, lemon, mint, jasmine,

Incense: jasmine

Stones: carnelian, emerald, coral, lapis

Beltane Menu

Pasta & fresh spring vegetables

Honey-almond pound cake

My Wheel of the Year guide has a Beltane spell for love and creativity and recipes for the menu above. If love is your main focus, consider my Love Spells guide, which includes the following spells, as well as the best herbes for love magick.

~ Find a New Love

~ Return to an Old Love

~ Grow Closer Emotionally

~ Heat up Your Romance

~ Keep Your Lover True

~ Forget a Former Love

~ Bridge Long Distance Love

If you already have your own spell, you can find easy, delicious recipes for Beltane and all other Wiccan festivals and Full Moons in my Witches’ Cook Book.

Blessed be and Happy Beltane!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Wheel of the Year, Wiccan Traditions , ,

Hechizos y Rituales de Súper Luna Llena 26 Abril 2021 en Tauro

En 2021, la luna llena de abril es el día 26. La luna llena de abril se le conoce como Luna Rosada, Luna Creciente o Luna de la Liebre. Las flores correspondientes son margaritas y guisantes de olor; la piedra es el diamante. Porque el signo solar es Tauro, (21 de abril – 21 de mayo), la luna llena es en Escorpio. Como es una súper luna llena, habrá más energía para tus hechizos y rituales.

La luna llena en Escorpio es el momento ideal para el hechizo del guerrero para ganar batallas e incrementar el poder personal, coraje y carisma. Crearás un talismán personal de poder para aumentar las posibilidades de éxito en el proyecto. Los talismanes Mágickos generalmente se rellenan de hierbas, pero puedes sustituirlo por tu pieza de joyería preferida para este fin.

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena del guerrero para el poder o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de abril, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!


Hechizos de Luna Llena

Full Pink Super Moon April 26, 2021 Wiccan Spells & Rituals

The full moon on April 26, 2021 is known as Pink Moon, Growing Moon or Hare Moon and is a super full moon. This means that the moon is closer to the earth, so expect some extra energy for your spell work! It occurs on Monday, April 26, at 11:33 PM EDT or Tuesday April 27, at 03:33 AM UTC.

This full water moon is in Scorpio, opposite the sun sign Taurus, and is an ideal time for spells and rituals to increase your personal power and charisma. You may also use this full moon for warrior spells to win battles and for courage.

Wiccan April Full Moon Correspondences

Flowers: daisies and sweet peas

Stones: diamonds

April Full Pink Moon Menu:

White Bean & Rosemary Dip

Potato Frittata

Rhubarb Crisp

You can use your own menus or the ones in my Full Moon Spells & Rituals Guide. My Witches’ Cook Book also has recipes for every full moon, plus the 8 Wiccan Festivals or Sabbats on the Wheel of the year, for a total of 56 recipes.

April 2021 Full Water Moon (Scorpio) Warrior Spell for Personal Power

My Full Moon Spells & Rituals eBook contains a ritual to help you create a personal power talisman to increase your chances of success in any endeavour. Magickal talismans are usually filled with herbs, but in this case, you will substitute a favourite piece of your own jewellery. If you’ve already created a personal power jewellery talisman, you may cleanse and charge it tonight.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells™

Moon Spells & Rituals, Wiccan Traditions ,

Dark Moon New Moon April 11, 2021 Wicca Spells & Ritual Ceremony

Moon worship has been around since the earliest days and Wiccans today use the correspondences of the Moon to fulfill our dreams and align ourselves with the universe.  Dark moon energy is like all vibration – it causes an effect even though you can’t see it. This month’s Dark Moon occurs April 11, (Sun) 10:32 PM ET/April 12, (Mon) at 02:32 AM UTC and is the perfect time to heal, renew and rebuild.

There is some ambiguity around the terms dark moon and new moon. For our purposes, we will follow the astrological version, which means the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon.

Dark Moon Ritual to Relieve Heartache

Most of us experience heartache from a lost or unrequited love at one time or another. We generally recover and move on to the next relationship, a little older and wiser. A serious problem arises when we’re unable to let go of the past. Such a reaction can close us off to another loving relationship. This spell uses Bay Laurel, lemon and/or Lemon Balm for love, in any form you choose, e.g. Bay Laurel oil and Lemon incense. Your touch stone is Rose Quartz.

My eBook Dark Moon Spells & Rituals contains 15 simple spells, including the one above, that take advantage of the special energy the Dark Moon offers. All of the spells follow traditional correspondences using candles, crystals and herbes that are found easily and inexpensively through local or online retailers. They help to maximize the energy of these dark moon spells.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Moon Spells & Rituals

Hechizos y Rituales de Luna Llena 28 de Marzo 2021 en Libra

En 2021, la luna llena de marzo es el día 28. La luna llena de marza se le conoce como Luna del Gusano, Luna de la Tormenta o Luna del Cuervo. Las flores correspondientes son narcisos y junquillos; las piedras son aguamarina y sanguinaria. Porque el signo solar es Aries, (21 de marzo – 20 de abril), la luna llena es en Libra.

Esta luna llena es el momento ideal para hechizos que promuevan la amistad y el trabajo con otros. Si ha habido alguna desavenencia con la familia o amigos, los hechizos de curación son los apropiados. El signo solar en Libra está representado por un conjunto de escalas, de manera que los rituales que incrementen el balance en tu vida y en el de las personas con las que tengas relación son idóneos.

Si deseas un hechizo para las relaciones de pareja y amistad o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de marzo, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!


Magia Wiccana

Hechizos de Luna Llena

Full Worm Storm Moon March 28, 2021 Wiccan Spells & Rituals

 The March 28, 2021 full moon is called Worm Moon, Storm Moon or Crow Moon.  The ruling sun sign is Aries, which gives us a full Air moon in Libra. It will occur on March 28, Sunday at 2:50 PM EDT or March 28, at 06:50 PM UTC.

For Wiccans, the full moon in Libra is an ideal time for spells to promote friendship and working with others.  You can use healing rituals if you have had problems with family and friends. As Libra is represented by a set of scales, spells for balance in your relationships are also appropriate.  If you’ve been following my Wheel of the Year book Simple Wiccan Magick Spells & Ritual Ceremony, you recently completed a meditation for balance at the Spring Equinox, so the following may be more suitable.

March Wiccan Correspondences:

Flowers: daffodils and jonquils

Stones: aquamarine and bloodstone

March Full Storm Moon Menu

White Bean & Rosemary Dip

Potato Frittata

Rhubarb Crisp

March 2021 Full Air Moon (Libra) Ceremony for Partnership and Friendship

This simple spell uses lavender oil and incense. You will also need your cleansed and charged tools plus paper, a blue pen and one blue candle. If you need recipes for this March full moon, or a spell for partnership, you will find both in my Full Moon Spells & Rituals eBook.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells™

Moon Spells & Rituals, Wiccan Traditions

Ostara Spring Equinox March 20, 2021 Wiccan Spells & Rituals

In 2021, the Spring Equinox occurs on March 2o at 5:37 am EDT. This first day of spring is called Ostara and it is one of eight festivals on the Wiccan Wheel of the Year.

Ostara was the Goddess of Spring and many of our current traditions, such as spring cleaning, and Easter celebrations with eggs, rabbits and hot crossed buns, are based on ancient Pagan traditions. At the spring equinox, the hours of light and dark are equal and so spells to promote balance in your life are a customary Wiccan practice. Ceremonies for cleansing, healing and renewal are also popular.

Ostara ~ Spring Equinox Correspondences

Flowers: daffodil, jonquil, violet, dogwood, spring bulbs

Stones: bloodstone

Ostara Menu:

Rose Wine, Eggs,

Lamb & Barley Stew

Hot Crossed Buns

Ostara Spring Equinox Ritual

My Wiccan Wheel of the Year Guide has recipes for your celebration along with a “Ritual of the Balancing Eggs.” This ceremony requires advance preparation of hard-boiled eggs, or you can use an artificial substitute, such as plastic or wood. During the ritual, as a solo practitioner or with like-minded people, you will use your intuition and the potent colour correspondences of the chakras to channel your energy for the coming year.

A simple cleansing spell for your home can be found in my Simple Wiccan Magick Spells for Everyday book. If you already have your own spell, you can find easy, delicious recipes for Ostara and all other Wiccan festivals and Full Moons in my Witches’ Cook Book.

Blessed be and Happy Ostara!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Wheel of the Year, Wiccan Traditions , ,

Dark Moon New Moon March 13, 2021 Wicca Spells & Ritual Ceremony

Moon worship has been around since the earliest days and Wiccans today use the correspondences of the Moon to fulfil our dreams and align ourselves with the universe.  Dark moon energy is like all vibration – it causes an effect even though you can’t see it. This month’s Dark Moon occurs on March 13, (Sat) at 05:23 AM ET/March 13, (Sat) at 10:23 AM UTC and is the perfect time to heal, renew and rebuild.

There is some ambiguity around the terms dark moon and new moon. For our purposes, we will follow the astrological version, which means the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon.

March Dark Moon Ritual to Release Regret

Regret can be a most debilitating emotion as it can prevent you from moving forward and appreciating the life you have. It can also be a valuable experience, as long as you make the effort to learn from it.

This spell uses the following correspondences: Hyssop for cleansing the aura and Jasmine for a healthy aura and psychic protection. Your touch stone, which you will use during the spell and as a reminder afterwards, is Lapis Lazuli to dissolve emotional bondage.

My eBook Dark Moon Spells & Rituals contains 15 simple spells, including the one above, that take advantage of the special energy of the Dark Moon. All the spells follow traditional Wiccan correspondences using candles, crystals and herbes that are easy to find. They help to maximize the energy of these dark moon spells.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Moon Spells & Rituals

Full Snow Moon Feb. 27, 2021 Wicca Rituals & Spells

February’s full moon is called Snow Moon, Ice Moon or Wild Moon. It will occur on Saturday February 27, at 03:19 AM EDT or February 27, at 08:19 AM UTC.  As it falls between February 20 and March 20, it is under the sun sign Pisces (February 20 – March 20) which will produce a full Earth moon in Virgo.


February Wiccan Correspondences:

Flowers: violets and primroses

Stones: amethyst and rock crystal

February Full Snow Moon Menu

Arugula salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette

Farfalle Pasta & Hot Sausage

Pears in Red Wine

My Witches’ Cook Book has twenty seasonally-inspired menus with 56 simply delicious recipes for celebrating the 12 Full Moons and 8 Sabbats on the Wheel of the Year.

February 2021 Full Earth Moon (Virgo) Ceremony for Spiritual Purification

In Wiccan traditions, a full moon in Virgo is an ideal time to perform rituals that purify the mind, body and soul.  This full moon ritual will cleanse and rejuvenate your spirit. In winter, we often spend additional time indoors, so residual toxicity can be persistent. My book Simple Wiccan Magick Spells for Everyday contains a ritual to cleanse and bless the home, so we will use this full moon to reduce any noxious vibrations within ourselves.

Advance Preparation

On the night of the full moon, you will take a bath with a special mix of cleansing herbes before proceeding to the ritual. While soaking, meditate on tonight’s theme of spiritual cleansing and purification.  Feel the water and herbes draw toxins from you, preparing you for the next step.You will need a black envelope, or if that’s not possible, a black or very dark blue piece of paper that can be folded.

This is the last full moon before Ostara or Spring Equinox on March 20, so be sure to cleanse and charge your tools and talismans!

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells™

Moon Spells & Rituals, Wiccan Traditions

Hechizos y Rituales de Luna Llena 27 Febrero 2021 en Virgo

En 2021, la luna llena en febrero es el día 27. La luna llena de febrero se llama Luna de Nieve, Luna de Hielo o Luna Salvaje. Las flores de febrero son violetas y prímulas; las piedras son amatista y cristal de roca. Porque el signo solar es Piscis, (20 de febrero – 20 de marzo), la luna llena es en Virgo.

La luna llena en Virgo es el momento ideal para llevar a cabo rituales que purifiquen la mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu. Este ritual de luna llena limpiará y rejuvenecerá tu espíritu.

Si deseas un hechizo para la purificación espiritual o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de febrero, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!


Hechizos de Luna Llena

Dark Moon New Moon February 11, 2021 Wiccan Spells & Ritual Ceremony

Moon worship has been around since the earliest days and Wiccans today use the correspondences of the Moon to fulfill our dreams and align ourselves with the universe.  Dark moon energy is like all vibration – it causes an effect even though you can’t see it. This month’s Dark Moon occurs on February 11 at 02:08 PM      ET/February 11, at 07:08 PM UTC and is the perfect time to heal, renew and rebuild.

There is some ambiguity around the terms dark moon and new moon. For our purposes, we will follow the astrological version, which means the period after the waning moon and before the first crescent of light appears from the new moon.

February Dark Moon Ritual to Reduce Anger

Anger, rage and having a short-temper seem to be more common due to daily stresses. However, having these feelings on a regular basis is not natural and can lead to physical and emotional ailments. Wouldn’t it be nice to find instant relief from anger?

This Dark Moon spell uses Cinnamon for communication, Passionflower and Sandalwood to calm the mind, in any form you choose, e.g. Cinnamon and/or Passionflower oil and Sandalwood incense. Your touch stones are Blue Lace Agate for balance and Howlite to eliminate rage.

At this time, you may use the ritual above, or any of the 15 suitable ceremonies from my eBook Dark Moon Spells & Rituals. All use traditional candle, crystal and herb correspondences and simple affirmations to channel the special cleansing and renewing energy of the Dark Moon.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™


Moon Spells & Rituals

Spells & Rituals for Wiccan Festival of Imbolc Feb. 1, 2021

On February 1st, 2021, the Wiccan Festival of Imbolc or Candlemas is commemorated. At this time, we celebrate the longer hours of sunlight, though we still need strength and determination to endure the rest of winter. Imbolc is a time for initiation in traditional Witchcraft, but it is also customary to perform rituals that tap into hidden vibrations.

Wiccan Imbolc Correspondences

Colours & Candles: white, silver, aqua

Herbes & Oils: bay, basil, hyssop, myrrh, sandalwood

Stones: crystal, amethyst, rose quartz

Imbolc Menu

Mixed green salad, savory salmon loaf, bread pudding

You will find rituals and recipes for every Wiccan festival in my Wheel of the Year guide. If you already have your own spell, you can find easy, delicious recipes for Imbolc and all other Wiccan festivals and Full Moons in my Witches’ Cook Book.

Imbolc Candlemas Ceremony to Release Blocked Energy

If you need an Imbolc ritual, my Wheel of the Year eBook has a spell to help identify and release any hidden energy. NOTE: This ritual takes one and a half days to complete, as you will freeze a small crystal in moon water prior to performing the ceremony, so plan accordingly!

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Wheel of the Year, Wiccan Traditions , ,

Full Wolf Moon January 28, 2021 Wicca Spells Rituals

The full moon on January 28, 2021 is known as Wolf Moon, Quiet Moon or Chaste Moon. It will occur at 02:18 PM EST (or 7:18 PM UTC), so you can celebrate on this same day. As the Wiccan festival of Imbolc happens on February1st, this is an ideal time to cleanse and charge your tools.

This full moon occurs in the sun sign Aquarius (Jan. 21 ~ Feb. 19), so it is a full fire moon in the opposite sign of Leo. Wiccan traditions call for spells to increase wealth and prosperity.

January Wiccan Correspondences:

Stones ~ garnet and jet

Flowers ~ carnations and snowdrops

January Full Wolf Moon Menu

Tuna Casserole Niçoise

New Potatoes

Tarragon Green Beans

Apple Clafouti

My Witches’ Cook Book has twenty seasonally-inspired menus with 56 simply delicious recipes for celebrating the 12 Full Moons and 8 Sabbats on the Wheel of the Year.

January 2021 Full Fire Moon (Leo) Ceremony for Achieving Dreams

A full moon in Leo is an ideal time to boost your good fortune by thinking big. Often, we can’t even imagine realizing our dreams, but nothing happens without believing it first. My Full Moon Spells & Rituals eBook has a Spell for Building Bigger Dreams which will put you on the path to achieving your goals.

Advance Spell Preparation

This spell requires some advance preparation as you will need to find a picture of someone you admire.

Wiccan Festival Imbolc February 1st 2021

This full moon is the last one before the Wiccan festival of Imbolc on February 1st. My Simple Wiccan Magick Spells & Ritual Ceremony eBook has a spell for releasing trapped energy, which requires frozen moon water. If you plan to perform this spell, be sure to place a bottle of water in the light of the January full moon.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells™

Moon Spells & Rituals, Wiccan Traditions

Luna Llena Hechizos y Rituales 28 de Enero de 2021

En 2021, la luna llena de enero es el día 28. La Luna llena de enero se conoce como la Luna del Lobo, Luna Tranquila o Luna Casta. Las flores asociadas con este mes son los claveles y las campanillas; las piedras son granate y azabache.

Como el festival Wiccan de Imbolc ocurre el 1 de febrero, este es un momento ideal para limpiar y cargar sus herramientas.

Porque el signo solar es Acuario (21 de enero al 19 de febrero), la luna llena es en Leo.

La luna llena de Leo es el momento ideal para soñar en grande, apuntar a las estrellas y lanzar tu buena fortuna. Muchas veces rechazamos lo que realmente queremos, simplemente porque no nos lo imaginamos sucediendo, así que este hechizo te ayudará a pensar en grande.

Si deseas un hechizo para crear grandes sueños o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de febrero, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!


Hechizos de Luna Llena

Hechizos y Rituales de Luna Llena Diciembre 29, 2020 en Cáncer

Luna Llena diciembre 29, 2020 en Cáncer

En 2020, la luna llena de diciembre es el día 29, 10:30 PM EST/3:30 AM UTC.La luna llena de diciembre se llama Luna Fría, Luna Abierta o Luna del Gran Invierno. Las flores correspondientes son narciso, flor de pascua y acebo; las piedras son el zirconio azul y la turquesa. Porque el signo solar es Capricornio, (22 de diciembre – 20 de enero), la luna llena es en Cáncer.

La luna llena en Cáncer aprovecha los temas que rodean la familia y el hogar. Podrías haber sido encargado de recoger los pensamientos negativos de los demás, por lo que es hora de realizar rituales de limpieza. Los hechizos de amor se realizan generalmente con la luna llena de Cáncer, pero debes decidir dónde manifestar los sentimientos de amor antes que empieces este hechizo.

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena de amor o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de diciembre, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!


Hechizos de Luna Llena

Wicca Ritual Spells December 29, 2020 Full Cold Moon

December 29, 2020 Full Water Moon in Cancer Wicca Ceremony

The full moon on December 29, 2020 is known as Cold Moon, Open Moon or Big Winter Moon. As it occurs in the sun sign Capricorn, it becomes a full water moon in the opposite sun sign Cancer. This full moon occurs at 10:30 PM EST/3:30 AM UTC, so perform your ritual or set your tools out to cleanse and recharge accordingly.

Full Moon in Cancer Spells

In Wiccan traditions, full moon in Cancer spells should correspond to family and home life. We may feel more sensitive and vulnerable and pick up the negative thoughts of others, so it’s also an ideal time to do cleansing rituals. Love spells are also called for however, you must first decide where to manifest the feelings of love before beginning the ritual.

December Correspondences:

Flowers: Narcissus, poinsettia and holly

December Stones: Blue Zircon and Turquoise

December Full Moon Menu

Bacon & Leek Frittata

Chocolate & Coffee Truffles

My Witches’ Cook Book also has recipes for every full moon, plus the 8 Wiccan Festivals or Sabbats on the Wheel of the year, for a total of 56 recipes.

Cancer Full Moon Spell for Love

If you need a love spell for December, you can find one in my Full Moon Spells & Rituals eBook, along with the above recipes.  During the ceremony, you will create a philtre using Angelica, Lavender and Orris Root, along with a Rose quartz crystal and/or corresponding secret. If you can’t find Orris Root, you may substitute Jasmine, Cinnamon, Patchouli or add extra Lavender.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Moon Spells & Rituals

Hechizos et Rituals de Luna Llena de 30 Noviembre 2020 en Gemini

Luna Llena de Noviembre 30, 2020 en Géminis

En 2020, la luna llena de noviembre es el día 30. La luna alcanza su punto máximo a las 4:32 AM EST/09:32 AM UTC del 30 de noviembre, por lo que debe realizar sus hechizos y rituales en la noche del 29 de noviembre.

La luna llena de noviembre es conocida como la Luna del Castor, Luna Oscura o Luna de la Niebla. Las flores asociadas a este mes son los crisantemos; las piedras son topacio amarillo y citrino. Porque el signo solar es Sagitario, (23 de noviembre – 21 de diciembre), la luna llena es en Géminis.

La luna llena en Géminis es un momento ideal para renovar contactos y comunicarse con otras personas escribiendo cartas, llamando por teléfono o juntándose con otras personas. Limpiarás y cargarás un lapicero nuevo para usar en tu Libro de las Sombras y en todas las comunicaciones escritas con otras personas.

{Como esta es la última luna llena antes del Solsticio de Invierno el 21 de diciembre, debes limpiar y cargar las herramientas de tus Brujas en este momento.}

Si deseas un hechizo de luna llena para mejorar la comunicación o necesitas más información sobre los rituales y hechizos de luna llena de noviembre, puedes descargarte mi libro electrónico Magia Wiccana Simple Hechizos de Luna Llena.

¡Bendito seas!


Hechizos de Luna Llena

November 30, 2020 Full Beaver Air Moon Wicca Spells

November 30, 2020 Full Air Moon In Gemini

­The full moon on November 30, 2020 is called Beaver Moon, Dark Moon or Fog Moon. The moon reaches its peak at 4:32 AM EST/09:32 AM UTC on Monday November 30, so you might want to perform your spells and rituals on the evening of November 29. As it falls in the sun sign of Sagittarius, it will be a full Air moon in the opposite sign Gemini.

Spells and rituals during a full moon in Gemini should focus on improving communication with others and renewing old contacts. Writing letters, phone calls and emails are good ways to get in touch with people.  As face-to-face meetings are often the best way to communicate, this is an ideal time for travel.

Personal Power Affirmation

If you need a spell for better communication, you will find one in my Full Moon Spells & Rituals eBook. During the ceremony, you will cleanse and charge a new pen and write a powerful affirmation in your Book of Shadows that will assist you in future important communications.

November Flowers: Chrysanthemum and flowers with fall colours

November Stones: Yellow Topaz and Citrine.

November Full Moon Menu:

Tomato & Cucumber salad with yogurt dressing ~Three-Bean Chili ~ Fig Clafouti

Recipes for the above are in my Full Moon Spells eBook and Witches’ Cook Book.

As this is the last full moon before the Winter Solstice on December 21st, you should cleanse and charge your Witches’ tools and herbes at this time.

Blessed be!


Simple Wiccan Magick Spells ™

Moon Spells & Rituals

Wiccan Spells Rituals Yule December 21, 2020 Winter Solstice

Wiccan Yule Ceremony December 21, 2020 

Yule or the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere occurs on Dec 21, 2020 at 5:02 AM EST.  It’s officially the first day of winter and at this time, the hours of daylight and darkness are equal. At this important festival on the Wheel of the Year, Wiccans celebrate the eventual return of more daylight. Traditional ritual themes include the Oak King, symbolic of daylight hours, vanquishing the Holly King, symbolic of hours of darkness. Ceremonies and spells promoting personal alchemy are also traditional.

Yule ~ Winter Solstice Correspondences

Candles & Colours: red, green, gold and black

Incense & Oil: frankincense, cloves & orange

Stones: Turquoise, Jet

Yule ~ Winter Solstice Menu

Red Wine Punch

Cornish Hens with Port Sauce

Gingerbread Moon Cookies

Yule Mystery Meditation Ceremony

My Wheel of the Year guide contains a Mystery Meditation which will give you insight into the year ahead. During this ritual, you will use the four elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air for a hint of what your future holds.  You could also choose a spell for personal alchemy, such as one to turn a piece of jewellery into a personal power talisman. If you already have your own spell, you can find easy, delicious recipes for Yule and all other Wiccan festivals and Full Moons in my Witches’ Cook Book.

If you are in the southern hemisphere, you should read the entry for Midsummer or Summer Solstice spells and rituals.

Blessed be and Happy Yule!


Wheel of the Year ,