December 28, 2012 Full Moon in Cancer

The December full moon is called Cold Moon, Open Moon or Big Winter Moon. On December 28, 2012, the full moon will be in Cancer, the opposite of sun sign Capricorn.

Spells for December Full Moon

This full water moon exposes our vulnerabilities and may make us more sensitive to criticism and negative energy, so cleansing spells and rituals are called for.   On the other hand, it’s an ideal time for love spells.

December Wiccan Correspondences

Flowers are narcissus, poinsettia and holly; stones are blue zircon and turquoise. For a Cancer full moon love spell, use Vervain oil and incense. Add a pink candle to your altar and a secret, like a heart, key or shell, to represent your intent. A rose quartz crystal will increase the vibrations of your love spell.

If you need more information or recipes to celebrate the December full moon, you can find it in my eBook Simple Wiccan Magick Full Moon Spells & Rituals.

Blessed be!

Moon Spells & Rituals

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